India women's rights

Women’s Rights in the Balance as India Weighs Criminalizing Marital Rape
By Saumya Uma
India's Supreme Court is poised to deliver a landmark judgement that may make marital rape a crime, a fiercely debated subject with roots in colonial law.

India Must Protect the 150 Million Women in the Informal Sector
By Swati Dey
From sexual harassment protections to childcare and social security, women in India’s informal sector are often left outside the scope of government policies.

The Deep Roots of Witch Branding in India
By Lina Volkmann and Shalini Sri Perumal
The practice is an outcome of patriarchy and lack of access to alternative healthcare facilities.

Shocking Delhi Murder Bares India’s Problem With Intimate Partner Violence
By Neeta Lal
The murder of Shraddha Walkar shone a spotlight on the pervasive issue of domestic violence.

Women’s Rights in Asia
In the years after #MeToo and COVID-19, is the situation for women in Asia getting better or worse?

For Indian Girls, ‘Every Case of Trafficking Is a Failed Revolution’
By Katarzyna Rybarczyk
Every year thousands of women and girls are trafficked through India. The patriarchal culture denying women the right to make decisions regarding their lives is to blame.

Abortion Is Legal in India, But Social Stigma Hampers Access
By Kavita Chowdhury
Social stigma attached to abortion forces women especially the unmarried, to turn to unsafe abortions, especially pills prescribed by the local chemist.

Rape and Silence in Kashmir’s Jihad
By Siddharthya Roy, Ojaswin Kathuria, and Sayan Ghosh
Kashmiri women drop the veil on years of systematic rape and abuse by Islamist militants in the Kashmir Valley.

Challenging South Asia’s Toxic Patriarchy Through Podcasts
By Allia Bukhari
South Asian female influencers bring to light issues faced by the region's women in their families and society amid a general, feminist discourse.

India’s New Reproductive Laws Trigger Debate
By Neeta Lal
New legislation aims to clean up India’s hitherto unregulated assisted reproductive tech and surrogacy industry, but activists say the laws are deficient in many respects.

Is Delhi’s Heavy Surveillance Making Women Safer?
By Sarah Khan
Delhi is turning into a surveillance city, replete with CCTV cameras, under the guise of protecting women. But are women any safer than before?

High-Profile Rape Trial Continues India’s Sordid Tradition of Victim-Blaming
By Sudha Ramachandran
The judge’s report in the case against Tarun Tejpal sparked outrage for its misogynistic scrutiny of the plaintiff.
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