Indian farmer protest

Indian Activist’s Arrest Spotlights Crackdown on Dissent
By Associated Press
Modi's government has increasingly brandished sedition against critics, with police arguing that words or actions of dissent make them a threat to national security.

Month On, Women Hold the Fort at India Farmer Protests
By Associated Press
Nearly 75 percent of rural women in India who work full-time are farmers.

India Farmers Intensify Protest Against New Laws with Strike
By Associated Press
The ongoing protests have rattled the Modi government with farmers refusing to back down.

On Economic Reforms, Modi’s Strength Is His Weakness
By Mohamed Zeeshan
To revive its economy, India needs more democracy, not less.

Farmers’ Anger Descends on Delhi
By Avinash Giri
More than 100,000 farmers from across India gathered in Delhi to demand action toward their plight.
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