Indian pharmaceutical industry

COVID-19 Is Reshaping Global Pharmaceutical Competition – to Asia’s Benefit
By Hannah Elyse Sworn
The valuable experience gained by Asian companies during the pandemic could upset the West’s monopoly in high-value drugs more generally, with implications for global access to medicines.

Sputnik Over Delhi: Production of Russian Vaccine Kicks Off in India
By Krzysztof Iwanek
India’s COVID-19 vaccine production reflects its critical global position. The country is manufacturing its own, plus European, American, and Russian, vaccines.

Putting the Serum Institute of India’s Success in Perspective
By Krzysztof Iwanek
AstraZeneca’s cooperation with the Serum Institute of India is a success for the Make in India campaign, but not necessarily the idea of a self-reliant India.

Tramadol: The Dangerous Opioid From India
By Natalie Tecimer
The United States need to work closely with India to ensure tramadol misuse does not escalate at home.
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