
Indo-Pacific security

The Indo-Pacific Could Be Within Europe’s Reach 

The Indo-Pacific Could Be Within Europe’s Reach 

By Francis Shin
The U.K.-led Joint Expeditionary Force could potentially provide a framework to grow Europe’s security presence in the Indo-Pacific. 

How Cobra Gold Helps the US Strengthen Its Indo-Pacific Partnerships

How Cobra Gold Helps the US Strengthen Its Indo-Pacific Partnerships

By Xavier Brunson and Cody Chick
Through combined exercises and enduring engagements, the United States is building "deterrence through assurance."
What the US National Defense Industrial Strategy Means for the Indo-Pacific 

What the US National Defense Industrial Strategy Means for the Indo-Pacific 

By Monish Tourangbam
For major stakeholders in the Indo-Pacific, including India, the priorities set out by the NDIS merit close examination.

US Coast Guard’s Role in the Blue Pacific on the Rise

US Coast Guard’s Role in the Blue Pacific on the Rise

By Ben Felton
The United States has reinforced its presence in Oceania through the permanent deployment of a new U.S. Coast Guard cutter to the region.

Out of the Blue: Rising to the Challenges of Australia’s Maritime Security 

Out of the Blue: Rising to the Challenges of Australia’s Maritime Security 

By Tom Bamforth, Tom Barber, and Grant Wyeth
Australia has an opportunity to play a more proactive role in coordinating a regional framework to address security concerns across numerous domains.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Pacific Defense Chiefs Meet Against Backdrop of Rising China

Pacific Defense Chiefs Meet Against Backdrop of Rising China

By Lolita C. Baldor
Military leaders from 26 nations are participating in a conference hosted in Sydney.

Trilateral – Not Quad – Is the Best Chance for Indo-Pacific Defense

Trilateral – Not Quad – Is the Best Chance for Indo-Pacific Defense

By Hayley Channer
The Australia-Japan-U.S. trilateral is older and more formalized than the Quad – and unlike the latter, it explicitly embraces a defense mandate.
Quad Summit Indicates Growing Strength

Quad Summit Indicates Growing Strength

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
The latest Quad meeting underscored continued growth, but when will the four countries seriously confront the matter of direct security cooperation?

AUKUS’ Reception in the Indo-Pacific

AUKUS’ Reception in the Indo-Pacific

Shihoko Goto, Manjari Chatterjee Miller, and Susannah Patton discuss the implications of AUKUS for countries in the region.

The Gaps in the New Regional Security Architecture for the Indo-Pacific

The Gaps in the New Regional Security Architecture for the Indo-Pacific

By Hanns W. Maull
The current effort – including AUKUS and the Quad – is missing three critical ingredients compared to early efforts in Cold War Europe.

To Compete With Beijing, the Quad Must Remain Pro-Asia, Not Anti-China

To Compete With Beijing, the Quad Must Remain Pro-Asia, Not Anti-China

By Zachary Durkee
Countries across Southeast Asia do not wish to be pushed into choosing sides when their economic futures depend on maintaining positive ties with China and the United States.
Asian Military Spending: A Sign of Worsening Security Environment

Asian Military Spending: A Sign of Worsening Security Environment

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
With no guarantee that the security environment in the Indo-Pacific will settle down any time soon, the expectation is that military spending will continue to increase.

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