Indo-Pacific security
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The Gaps in the New Regional Security Architecture for the Indo-Pacific
By Hanns W. Maull
The current effort – including AUKUS and the Quad – is missing three critical ingredients compared to early efforts in Cold War Europe.

To Compete With Beijing, the Quad Must Remain Pro-Asia, Not Anti-China
By Zachary Durkee
Countries across Southeast Asia do not wish to be pushed into choosing sides when their economic futures depend on maintaining positive ties with China and the United States.

Asian Military Spending: A Sign of Worsening Security Environment
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
With no guarantee that the security environment in the Indo-Pacific will settle down any time soon, the expectation is that military spending will continue to increase.

How COVID-19 Will Reshape Indo-Pacific Security
By Jiyoon Kim, Jihoon Yu, and Erik French
COVID-19 will likely have a range of significant effects on Indo-Pacific security and geopolitics in both the short and long-term.

What’s Behind the Rising US-Southeast Asia Coast Guard Cooperation?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at a significant trend and its potential implications for Indo-Pacific security.

US, Japan Move Into Final Portion of Keen Sword 2018 Bilateral Military Exercises
By Ankit Panda
This year's Keen Sword exercise features a focus on amphibious operations.
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