
Indonesia economic policy

TikTok Says it Regrets Indonesia’s Decision to Ban E-commerce Sales on Social Media Platforms

TikTok Says it Regrets Indonesia’s Decision to Ban E-commerce Sales on Social Media Platforms

By Edna Tarigan and Niniek Karmini
Indonesia banned goods transactions on social media platforms such as TikTok, accusing vendors of predatory pricing.
Indonesia Stirs the Pot on WTO Reforms

Indonesia Stirs the Pot on WTO Reforms

A bold move by Jakarta may give WTO reforms the shakeup they need.

In Indonesia, Thousands Rally Against Presidential Job Decree

In Indonesia, Thousands Rally Against Presidential Job Decree

By Sebastian Strangio
Critics accuse President Joko Widodo of using emergency powers to circumvent a Constitutional Court's ruling on a controversial jobs creation law.

Indonesia’s Economic Vision: Opportunities for Latin America

Indonesia’s Economic Vision: Opportunities for Latin America

By Sebastián Sterzer
Indonesia's attempt at economic transformation offers opportunities, if Latin American countries are ready to seize them.

Indonesia’s COVID-19 Response Pivots to Support Economic Recovery

Indonesia’s COVID-19 Response Pivots to Support Economic Recovery

By Jefferson Ng
Indonesia’s restructured COVID-19 task force has a clear economic bias.
Indonesia Seeks to Win US and Japanese Investment Fleeing China

Indonesia Seeks to Win US and Japanese Investment Fleeing China

By Bob Savic
Jakarta scrambles to capture U.S. and Japanese corporate relocations out of China as geopolitical and coronavirus pandemic concerns intensify 

What Does Jokowi’s Win Mean for Indonesia’s Economy?

What Does Jokowi’s Win Mean for Indonesia’s Economy?

By Edward Parker
The Indonesian president has made progress, but has unfinished business to complete in his probable second term.
What Did Indonesia’s Second Presidential Debate Reveal?

What Did Indonesia’s Second Presidential Debate Reveal?

By Erin Cook
A look at some of the key issues addressed in the second in a series of debates leading up to Indonesia’s presidential elections.

Indonesia’s Booming Tourism Industry

Indonesia’s Booming Tourism Industry

By James Guild
What growth in Indonesia's tourism sector tells us about Jokowi’s economic policies.

Indonesia Wants to Join TPP: President Jokowi

Indonesia Wants to Join TPP: President Jokowi

By Prashanth Parameswaran
President confirms intention to join during trip to the United States.

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