
Indonesia religion

Is Indonesia’s Largest Islamic Organization Compromising Its Political Neutrality?

Is Indonesia’s Largest Islamic Organization Compromising Its Political Neutrality?

By Virdika Rizky Utama
Leading members of Nahdlatul Ulama have become actively involved in the campaigning for next month's election, straining the group's traditional impartiality.

Is It Really Wrong For Two Dogs To Get Married?

Is It Really Wrong For Two Dogs To Get Married?

By Aisyah Llewellyn
A lavish canine wedding briefly became national news in Indonesia, raising questions about how social media outrage shapes journalistic coverage.
Gulf States’ Growing Aid Diplomacy in Indonesia

Gulf States’ Growing Aid Diplomacy in Indonesia

By Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat and Yeta Purnama
As the world's most populous Muslim-majority nation, Indonesia is receiving increased attention from the wealthy states of the Middle East.

Yasmin Church Dispute Reveals the Tensions in Indonesia’s Religious Policy

Yasmin Church Dispute Reveals the Tensions in Indonesia’s Religious Policy

By Paul Marshall
One congregation’s struggle to build a new church is a microcosm of the conflicting currents of religious tolerance, religious harmony, and religious freedom in Indonesia. 

Nahdlatul Ulama at 100: Opportunities and Challenges

Nahdlatul Ulama at 100: Opportunities and Challenges

By Virdika Rizky Utama
At the turn of its second century, the Indonesian Islamic organization, one of the world's largest, faces a number of challenging headwinds.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

In Indonesia, a Rising Tide of Religious Intolerance

In Indonesia, a Rising Tide of Religious Intolerance

By Laura Arman
Despite its official motto of "unity in diversity," the country is becoming increasingly inhospitable for members of religious minorities.

Is Abu Bakar Bashir Really Walking Away From Violent Extremism?

Is Abu Bakar Bashir Really Walking Away From Violent Extremism?

By Bilveer Singh
The former JI leader recently pledged his loyalty to the Indonesian state, but there are reasons to question the sincerity of his conversion.
Khomeini in the Archipelago: Iranian Interests and Influence in Indonesia

Khomeini in the Archipelago: Iranian Interests and Influence in Indonesia

By Maxwell Lowe
Despite rising anti-Shia sentiment within Indonesia, Tehran has quietly built its relations with Jakarta.

Indonesian Minister Pledges to Safeguard Religious Minorities

Indonesian Minister Pledges to Safeguard Religious Minorities

By Sebastian Strangio
The promise follows the banning of the Islamic Defenders Front, which advances a strict, austere definition of Islam.

Jokowi’s Failed Bashir Gamble Reveals the Danger of Playing the Religion Card in Indonesia

Jokowi’s Failed Bashir Gamble Reveals the Danger of Playing the Religion Card in Indonesia

By Luke Hunt
While it is no surprise that political calculations are being made ahead of upcoming polls, the incident shows how gambles can backfire.

What Did Indonesia’s Anti-Ahok Reunion Rally Reveal?

What Did Indonesia’s Anti-Ahok Reunion Rally Reveal?

By Erin Cook
The event demonstrated the limitations of anti-Ahok sentiment in the country's capital.
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