Indonesian palm oil industry

Indonesia to Scrap Controversial Palm Oil Export Ban
By Sebastian Strangio
President Jokowi claims that the country now has enough domestic supplies of cooking oil to control runaway price rises.

Indonesian Farmers Protest Falling Palm Oil Prices Amid Export Ban
By Sebastian Strangio
Intended to control soaring domestic cooking oil prices, the Indonesian government's ban has had a series of unintended consequences.

Indonesia’s Haze Crisis and the Problem with Palm Oil
By Oryza Astari
Change -- especially in instances where governments fail to sufficiently act -- truly is in the palm of our hands.

Making Indonesia an Agrarian Nation Again
By Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat and Muhammad Beni Saputra
Indonesia needs to take better care of its farmers.

Southeast Asia's Haze Needs a Global Solution
By Thomas Brown
The world community is a part of Indonesia's haze problem. It can also be part of the solution.

Hadabuan Hills: The Forgotten Rainforest of Sumatra
By Gregory McCann
Surrounded by palm oil plantations, an oasis of rainforest provides a welcome shelter for rare species.

The Fight to Save Indonesia’s Forests
By Dana Maclean
Indigenous Dayak communities are in a battle to preserve ancestral forests.
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