

Fighting Inequality in Asia and the Pacific

Fighting Inequality in Asia and the Pacific

By Shamshad Akhtar
The region’s remarkable economic success story belies a widening gap between rich and poor.
What is the Future of Integration and Inequality in ASEAN?

What is the Future of Integration and Inequality in ASEAN?

By Aédán Mordecai
Southeast Asia should be more conscious of inequality now while it is still rapidly developing.

The Economic Risks of India’s Wealth Inequality

The Economic Risks of India’s Wealth Inequality

By Asit K. Biswas and Kris Hartley
"There is a line beyond which inequality is too high, and India is close to – if not already beyond – that line."

Asia’s Wealth Inequality Problem

Asia’s Wealth Inequality Problem

By Asit K. Biswas and Kris Hartley
Many have escaped poverty, but capital still flows disproportionately to a tiny elite.

4 Ways Conflict Could Develop in East Asia

4 Ways Conflict Could Develop in East Asia

By Robert Farley
As you watch East Asia in 2015, keep an eye on these four factors.
South Korea’s Changing Attitudes on Inequality and Capitalism

South Korea’s Changing Attitudes on Inequality and Capitalism

By Steven Denney
Are Koreans becoming disenchanted with the local brand of capitalism?

ASEAN Urged to Act Decisively Ahead of AEC

ASEAN Urged to Act Decisively Ahead of AEC

By Luke Hunt
A key report thinks that the new economic community could deliver real gains, but carries a risk of more inequality.
Thomas Piketty and Asia

Thomas Piketty and Asia

By Daniel Mendez
The West has been enthralled with Thomas Piketty’s bestseller, but his work seems less persuasive in Asia.

Asia’s ‘Shocking’ Gender Gap

Asia’s ‘Shocking’ Gender Gap

By Anthony Fensom
There’s been talk in Asia of reforms on women’s rights, but progress has been slow.

Riot Reveals Cracks in Singapore Society

Riot Reveals Cracks in Singapore Society

By Kirsten Han
Singapore’s normally ordered society has been shaken by the rioting last weekend.

Inharmonious Society? China's Rising Income Inequality

Inharmonious Society? China's Rising Income Inequality

A new study shows that China’s wealth gap is growing. Can new leaders in Beijing bridge the divide?

George Orwell’s China?

George Orwell’s China?

By William de Tocqueville
Hu Jintao has been keen to emphasize ‘fairness’ in China. But has the message reached the ears of many of the country’s officials?

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