
inter-Korea relations

The 2 Koreas’ Cold War Measures Destabilize the Korean Peninsula

The 2 Koreas’ Cold War Measures Destabilize the Korean Peninsula

By Mitch Shin
How should South Korea handle balloon clashes against the backdrop of Trump’s possible re-election? 

South Korea in the Maelstrom: East Asia’s Geopolitical Upheaval Brings Danger

South Korea in the Maelstrom: East Asia’s Geopolitical Upheaval Brings Danger

By Kenji Yoshida and Jason Morgan
“With Kim now emboldened, the prospect of unconventional acts like terrorist attacks on South Korean infrastructure and civilians is a real possibility,” says Dr. Cho Sung-min.
South Korea Fully Suspends Military Deal With North Korea After Tensions Over Trash Balloons

South Korea Fully Suspends Military Deal With North Korea After Tensions Over Trash Balloons

By Hyung-jin Kim
South Korean officials said the suspension of the 2018 deal would allow it to stage frontline military drills but didn’t publicly elaborate on other steps.

It Is High Time to Engage North Korea

It Is High Time to Engage North Korea

By Jongsoo Lee
The alternative is to do nothing and drift into an even more serious crisis as North Korea further builds up its nuclear and missile capabilities.

Moon Chung-in on Escalating Inter-Korea Tensions and What Lies Ahead

Moon Chung-in on Escalating Inter-Korea Tensions and What Lies Ahead

By Kenji Yoshida
The former special adviser to the South Korean president believes recent moves by Kim Jong Un represent a “brave new world.”

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Preventing a Worst-Case Scenario on the Korean Peninsula

Preventing a Worst-Case Scenario on the Korean Peninsula

By James Park
Pyongyang’s increased hostility and Seoul’s unyielding posture have set the stage for 2024 to be a dangerous year.

Kim Jong Un’s Declaration of a Hostile Relationship Between North and South Korea Is a Big Deal

Kim Jong Un’s Declaration of a Hostile Relationship Between North and South Korea Is a Big Deal

By Lee Min-yong
With a decisive change in the North’s policy toward the South, the Korean Peninsula has now devolved from a state of armistice to one where conflict could loom at any moment.
Pyongyang Wants to Be DPRK, Not North Korea

Pyongyang Wants to Be DPRK, Not North Korea

By Mitch Shin
Underneath the belligerence, the reframing by Pyongyang actually opens an opportunity, if Seoul can seize it.

Tae Yong-ho on North Korea’s Purposeful Aggression

Tae Yong-ho on North Korea’s Purposeful Aggression

By Kenji Yoshida
The North Korean diplomat-turned-South Korean lawmaker discusses Pyongyang’s stepped-up artillery shelling and its foreign policy strategy.

What Was in the Now-Scrapped Inter-Korea Military Agreement?

What Was in the Now-Scrapped Inter-Korea Military Agreement?

By Soyoung Kim
What is the Comprehensive Military Agreement (CMA), why has it been scrapped, and what are the implications? 

Seoul Warns North Korea Not to Launch Spy Satellite

Seoul Warns North Korea Not to Launch Spy Satellite

By Hyung-jin Kim
South Korea hinted that the 2018 inter-Korean military deal could be suspended in response.
South Korea’s Constitutional Court Strikes Down Law Banning Anti-Pyongyang Leafleting

South Korea’s Constitutional Court Strikes Down Law Banning Anti-Pyongyang Leafleting

By Kim Tong-hyung
The law was crafted by the previous liberal government in Seoul, which desperately pushed for inter-Korean engagement.

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