International Whaling Commission

The Resilience of Japanese Whaling
By Gabriel Fung and Andy Ka Hei Vu
Whale meat is branded as a national cuisine, but very few Japanese eat it.

Australia Unhappy About Japan’s Return to Whaling
By Grant Wyeth
Tokyo’s resumption of commercial whaling operations highlights a consistent point of tension with whale-loving Canberra.

The Toxic Influence of Japan’s Rural Political Interest Groups
By Xiaochen Su
It’s time to reduce the political influence of Japan’s dwindling rural, primary sector interests.

Japan Loses Bid to Reinstate Commercial Whaling
By Thisanka Siripala
After a week of heated debate, Japan’s proposal to legalize whaling has been rejected by the International Whaling Commission.
Antarctic Treaty Seemingly Not for Whales’ Sake
“what is the point of having a treaty if countries do not defend it and the values they believe in?”
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