
Iran sanctions

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What a US-Iran Face Off Means for Afghanistan

What a US-Iran Face Off Means for Afghanistan

By Shoaib A. Rahim
Sanctions on Iran and the possibility of conflict are jeopardizing Kabul's long-term development plans.
Tehran Comes Calling: India’s Iran Dilemma Grows Acute

Tehran Comes Calling: India’s Iran Dilemma Grows Acute

By Harsh V. Pant
India has to make hard choices about its relationship with Iran—again.

India’s Iran Conundrum Is Back

India’s Iran Conundrum Is Back

By Harsh V. Pant
The Trump administration’s sanctions hardball puts New Delhi in a tight spot.

India’s Growing Iran Dilemma

India’s Growing Iran Dilemma

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
The Iran sanction waiver issue is just the latest manifestation of New Delhi’s rising challenge in managing ties with Tehran.

In Handling Meng Wanzhou, US and Canada Must Stand for the Rule of Law

In Handling Meng Wanzhou, US and Canada Must Stand for the Rule of Law

By Ankit Panda
Why the U.S. needs to stand with Canada and set aside politics in the prosecution of Huawei’s CFO.
The Trump Administration’s Iran Obsession Encumbers US-China Trade Talks

The Trump Administration’s Iran Obsession Encumbers US-China Trade Talks

By John S. Van Oudenaren
Meng Wanzhou's arrest is just the latest example of an Iran fixation getting in the way of more important U.S. interests.

Canada Arrests Huawei Executive; China Demands Her Immediate Release

Canada Arrests Huawei Executive; China Demands Her Immediate Release

By Charlotte Gao
Meng Wanzhou, CFO of Huawei and daughter of Huawei’s founder, has been arrested in Canada and faces extradition to the U.S.
Iran’s Chabahar Port Scores an India- and Afghanistan-Inspired Sanctions Exemption

Iran’s Chabahar Port Scores an India- and Afghanistan-Inspired Sanctions Exemption

By Catherine Putz
Given the port’s importance to India and Afghanistan, the U.S. has reportedly carved out a sanctions exception for Chabahar.

Even With a Waiver, Will Iran Sanctions Chill US-India Ties?

Even With a Waiver, Will Iran Sanctions Chill US-India Ties?

By Raymond E. Vickery Jr.
Without greater energy cooperation, the U.S.-India partnership will feel the chill from an Iranian sanctions winter.

'Sanctions Are Coming': US Issues Limited Iran Sanctions Waivers, With One Big Exception

'Sanctions Are Coming': US Issues Limited Iran Sanctions Waivers, With One Big Exception

By Ankit Panda
China, Iran's biggest oil importer, is still in the dark about a possible sanctions waiver.

Trump's Iran Sanctions Reimposition Takes the JCPOA One Step Closer to Collapse

Trump's Iran Sanctions Reimposition Takes the JCPOA One Step Closer to Collapse

By Ankit Panda
The core bargain at the heart of the JCPOA doesn't exist in the way it was designed to any longer.
Why US Sanctions Are So Lethal

Why US Sanctions Are So Lethal

By Alex Capri
The anatomy of a Chinese tech-company disaster.

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