
Islamic extremism in Central Asia

After Attack in Russia, Focus Turns to ISKP in Afghanistan and Central Asia

After Attack in Russia, Focus Turns to ISKP in Afghanistan and Central Asia

By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
The focus on and understanding of ISKP’s core area in Afghanistan and Pakistan needs to be expanded to include the large frontiers of Central Asia.

Islamic State in Afghanistan Looks to Recruit Regional Tajiks, Inflict Violence Against Tajikistan

Islamic State in Afghanistan Looks to Recruit Regional Tajiks, Inflict Violence Against Tajikistan

By Lucas Webber and Riccardo Valle
ISKP’s expanded media campaign seeks to recruit ethnic Tajik and nationals as well as incite militant violence against Tajikistan.
Uzbekistan: It's Time Look Beyond Repression or Radicalism

Uzbekistan: It's Time Look Beyond Repression or Radicalism

By Nozima Davletova
There are better responses than repression or radicalism to points of friction in Uzbek society.

Kyrgyzstan’s Crackdown on Extremist Material: Further Reforms Needed

Kyrgyzstan’s Crackdown on Extremist Material: Further Reforms Needed

By Letta Tayler
Kyrgyzstan should focus on genuine threats, not throw people in jail for the videos they watch or the books they read.

Deradicalization in Uzbekistan: It's About the Economy

Deradicalization in Uzbekistan: It's About the Economy

By James D. Durso
Some of the best weapons against extremism may be as simple as a good job and a regular talk with the imam.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Extremism in Central Asia: Pushing Back on Reflexive Dismissals

Extremism in Central Asia: Pushing Back on Reflexive Dismissals

By Reid Standish
It is important to set the record straight and further the conversation about an undercovered region.

Understanding Islamic Radicalization in Central Asia (UPDATED)

Understanding Islamic Radicalization in Central Asia (UPDATED)

An open letter from Central Asia scholars to the International Crisis Group, along with Crisis Group's response.
Central Asian Children Cast as ISIS Executioners

Central Asian Children Cast as ISIS Executioners

By Uran Botobekov
ISIS often features Central Asia’s children in its propaganda videos, labeling them “Cubs of the Caliphate.”

After Istanbul Attacks, Not Much Clarity on Central Asian Involvement

After Istanbul Attacks, Not Much Clarity on Central Asian Involvement

By Uran Botobekov
Meanwhile, Central Asians in Turkey worry about growing suspicion and ISIS seemingly lashes out around the world.

Kepel vs Roy: Arguing About Islam and Radicalization

Kepel vs Roy: Arguing About Islam and Radicalization

By Catherine Putz
Why the Roy vs. Kepel argument matters for Central Asia.

Rumblings in Kazakhstan: A Warning for Central Asia?

Rumblings in Kazakhstan: A Warning for Central Asia?

By Rajorshi Roy
Domestic discontent and economic hardship put Central Asia's regimes at risk.
Radicalization in Kyrgyzstan Is No Myth

Radicalization in Kyrgyzstan Is No Myth

By Aidai Masylkanova
Kyrgyzstan's slow arc toward Islamization and radicalization.

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