Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan

Report Warns of Instability in Tajikistan
By Catherine Putz
A new Crisis Group report points to opposition crackdowns as indicative of an unstable state.

Cultural Rifts and Horse Penis Jokes
By Catherine Putz
Also, Tajikistan in the Saudi Arabia-Iran split and the Silk Road’s revival; weekend reads.

Tajikistan’s Islamic Disunity on Display at Islamic Unity Conference
By Catherine Putz
Bet the between-session chatter was awkward.

Nuance Needed: Is Tajikistan Unstable?
By Catherine Putz
Are crackdowns the thrashings of a weak state or the calculated moves of a regime carefully consolidating its power?

Tajikistan's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Year
By Catherine Putz
Human rights advocates and opposition figures tell a dark story of descent into crisis.

Tajikistan’s Campaign Against the IRPT Continues
By Casey Michel
Government officials keep linking the now-illegal party to terrorists, sans evidence.

America Finally Speaks Out About the Crushing of Tajik Opposition
By Casey Michel
After months of silence, Washington has issued a statement about Tajikistan.

Tajikistan's Terror Group List Just Got Bigger
By Catherine Putz
Meanwhile, at the UN Rahmon preaches “mutual trust, and tolerance.”

Washington Cannot Remain Silent as Tajikistan Becomes a One-Party State
By Edward Lemon
Dushanbe has succeeded in crushing its opposition and the international community has failed to speak up.

Tajikistan Sinks Further Into Autocracy
By Casey Michel
As Dushanbe consolidates a de facto one-party state, the West remains largely silent.

It’s 2010 in Central Asia, Again
By Catherine Putz
The Internet, cotton, bus stops and a flash from the past feature in this week’s recommended reads.

Tajikistan Pins Recent Violence on Islamic Party
By Catherine Putz
If Dushanbe is to be believed, all of its opponents and critics colluded to topple the state.