Islamic State in South Asia

Islamic State Khorasan: Global Jihad in a Multipolar World
By Lucas Webber
The Islamic State sees great opportunity in the churn of great power competition, with ISKP at the forefront of its vision of international jihad.

Islamic State Comes for South Asia
By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
The Islamic State has completed its shift from Middle East to South Asia.

Sri Lanka: A New Pattern of Transnational Terror
By Angshuman Choudhury and Sarral Sharma
The recent attacks are part of Islamic State’s global expansion through local ‘franchises.’

Islamic State Claims Responsibility for Sri Lanka's Easter Bombings
By Emily Schmall and Krishan Francis
The claim has yet to be verified, but is consistent with suspicions there was foreign involvement in the attacks.

South Asia’s 4 Competing Jihads
By Muhammad Nawaz Khan
Islamic State, al-Qaeda, and the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban have differing visions for the region.

Countering Violent Radicalism and Extremism in India
By Vinay Kaura
After the attack in neighboring Bangladesh, India needs to update its counterterrorism strategy.

The Evolving Jihad in South Asia
By Arif Rafiq
Jihadists in the region are adapting to a changing landscape.

Islamic State in Afghanistan: Start of a Turf War?
By Ankit Panda
Islamic State fighters have killed a Taliban commander in Afghanistan. Is a turf war afoot?
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