Japan aging population

Japan’s Birth Rate Falls to a Record Low as the Number of Marriages Also Drops
By Mari Yamaguchi
For the eighth straight year, Japan’s birth rate hit a new low, in what the government called a “critical situation.”

Japan’s Aging Population Will Increase Disaster Vulnerability
By Maxime Polleri
As the Noto earthquake showed, the elderly are among the most impacted by natural disasters.

Japan’s Self-Destructive Immigration Policy
By Markus Bell
Criminalizing asylum seekers and stigmatizing immigration is only worsening Japan’s demographic crisis.

Japan’s Lesson for the World: Robots Won’t Save Us
By Paul Christensen
Rethinking Japan’s global relevance in the 21st century.

How Does Japan’s Aging Society Affect Its Economy?
By Simran Walia
The aging crisis will have major impacts on Japan's economy. What can the Abe government do to mitigate the damage?

High-Profile Pedestrian Fatalities Point Finger at Japan’s Aging Drivers
By Thisanka Siripala
A series of deadly car mishaps across Japan aims a spotlight at elderly drivers and inconsistent road safety policies.

Japan's Robot Revolution in Senior Care
By Thisanka Siripala
Being cared for by robots is becoming the method of choice among elderly residents.

Japan’s Births and Marriages Spiral to Record Low
By Thisanka Siripala
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has pledged to address the issue of an aging society, but the data is not encouraging.

How Japan's Aging Population Impacts National Defense
By Pam Kennedy
With fewer and fewer young people to recruit, Japan's military will face staffing shortfalls.

Japan's Migrant Worker Conundrum
By Dennis McCornac and Rong Zhang
A look at the challenges faced by Chinese migrant workers in Japan's construction industry.

A Checkup for Japan’s ‘Womenomics’ Policy
By Clint Richards
Abe touts his policy at the U.N., although its implementation will need to overcome cultural barriers.
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