Japan Defense White Paper

Japan’s Defense White Paper Sounds Alarm Over China, North Korea, Russia
By Takahashi Kosuke
A situation similar to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine may occur in East Asia, Tokyo warns.

China-Russia Joint Military Drills a ‘Grave Concern’ for Japan
By Takahashi Kosuke
Japan expresses grave concern over China-Russia joint military drills in new defense white paper for the first time.

Japan’s Military Role in the Indo-Pacific
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Robert Ward.

Japan: North Korea Still Poses ‘Serious and Imminent’ Threat
By Daniel Hurst
Japan's latest Defense White Paper sees “no change” in the evaluation of the threat from North Korea

Hyping Threats? Japan’s Black and White Defense Paper
By Greg Austin
Stark on China, but a quiet message about Russia?

Japan and Chinese Decision-Making
By Charles Douglas Appleton
Understanding China’s decision-making process could help Japan create a better strategy.

Surprise: Japan Sees China as Its Main National Security Threat
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Tokyo’s 2015 defense white paper highlights concerns over Beijing’s maritime ambitions in Asia.

Why China Might Beat the US in a Naval Clash
By Ankit Panda
Plus, Australia's position in the Asia-Pacific, the Chinese air force, and more. Mid-week links.

Japan White Paper Slams China Over Disputed Territory
By Clint Richards
Abe’s calls for dialogue belie the real direction of Japan’s foreign policy.
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