Japan democracy

Suspect in Japan PM Attack Previously Complained About Election System
By Mari Yamaguchi
The man now in custody for the bomb attack had previously filed a lawsuit claiming Japan’s restrictions on candidates were unconstitutional.

Japan’s Constitution at 75
By Sheila A. Smith
How does Japan’s post-war constitution hold up in an era of increasing great power competition and unexpected emergencies?

Japan’s Lessons for Malaysia
By Nithin Coca
Japan’s 2009 election experience has lessons for Malaysia’s first opposition government.

Hereditary Politics in Japan: A Family Business
By Cesare M. Scartozzi
Second-generation politicians are increasingly entrenched in Japan’s Diet and government.

The Truth About Japan's New Security Legislation Debate
By Masato Kamikubo
Despite fierce resistance to the bills, the debate was a win for Japan's democracy.
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