Japan in Southeast Asia

The Role of Malaysia in Japan’s New Security Strategy
By Collins Chong Yew Keat
Prime Minister Kishida Fumio’s recent visit to Malaysia highlighted a growing area of cooperation between the two countries.

Japan’s Strong World Cup Will Boost Its Football Diplomacy in Southeast Asia
By Vikram Jayakumar
Japanese football plays a crucial supplementary role in Tokyo’s efforts to wedge itself between Southeast Asian states and China.

Why South Korea Fell Behind Japan in Southeast Asia
By Adam Gadd
Ironically, South Korea and ASEAN's shared desire to avoid confronting China may be limiting Seoul's attractiveness as a strategic partner for the region.

Japan’s Foreign Policy in the Mekong Region
By Carl Lentz
Geoeconomics in action in Southeast Asia.

How Japan Plans to Counter China in Southeast Asia
By Jeremy Maxie
The uncertainty over U.S.-Philippine relations presents Tokyo with an opportunity to exercise leadership.

How China Boosts Japan's Security Role in Southeast Asia
By Anh Duc Nguyen
China's claims to the South China Sea are accelerating a trend of growing security cooperation between Japan and ASEAN.

Japan and Asia: Dances with the Dragon
By Yo-Jung Chen
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s regional diplomacy has been dominated by Japan’s past and China’s future.

Asia’s Infrastructure Investment Battle
By Nicholas Borroz and Hunter Marston
With all the talk about China’s investment clout in Southeast Asia, another player is being overlooked.

Japan Banking on Southeast Asian Consumers
By Clint Richards
The region’s growing consumers represent a new avenue for growth as companies shift investment.
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