Japan national security strategy

Japan’s New Strategic Direction
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Increasingly, many countries that have traditionally maintained a defensive and pacifist posture, like Japan, are having to reconsider their options.

Japan’s Long-Range Strike Capability Decision Was Not Sudden
By Hiroaki Kato
The shift in Japan's security policy was the result of a series of parliamentary debates stretching back decades.

North Korea Warns Against Japan’s New Security Strategy
By Mitch Shin
After Tokyo announced its new security strategy, Pyongyang threatened to take a “decisive military step” in response.

Japan’s Major Turning Point on Defense Policy
By Takahashi Kosuke
Three new security documents prepared by the Kishida administration mark a new era in Japan’s post-war security strategy.

Japan’s Ruling Coalition Debates Future Defense Policies
By Mina Pollmann
The LDP and its junior coalition party, Komeito, are at odds over issues like Japan's counterstrike capability and defense budget increases.

How Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Changed Japan’s Security Policy
By Yuki Tatsumi
The current crisis in Ukraine will have a significant impact on the ongoing process to revise Japan’s National Security Strategy.

Japan’s National Security Strategy: A Delicate Task
Japan has to think carefully about how it wants to phrase its relationship with China.

Japan Needs an Energy Security Strategy for the Taiwan Strait
By Dustin Hinkley
It is critical that the National Security Strategy review announced by Prime Minister Kishida include policies to improve Japan’s energy security.

Will Japan Pursue a Strike Capability in Lieu of Aegis Ashore?
By Titli Basu
Hard decisions lie ahead to make sure Japan has an effective defense without Aegis Ashore.

Abe's Visit Takes Japan-India Security Relations to the Next Level
By Yuki Tatsumi
India-Japan security relations have flourished since Abe's first term in office.

Japan-Australia Relations: Beyond the ‘2+2’
By Yuki Tatsumi
Japan and Australia created a new framework for defense cooperation. Now comes the hard part: actually cooperating.

Beyond Futenma: Okinawa and the US Base Conundrum
By Shannon Tiezzi
The U.S. basing dispute on Okinawa goes much deeper than the debate over Futenma Air Station.