Japan security reform

Japan’s Decades-long Diplomatic Transformation
By Keikichi Takahashi
Japan’s post Cold War foreign policy evolution stems from emerging threats abroad and political reforms at home.

Kishida’s US Visit Highlights Japan’s Growing Role as a Security Provider
By Yann Messager
Current industrial and policy evolutions in Japan are at a crucial but wavering intersection for Tokyo’s role as a guarantor of stability in the region at large.

Proactive Pacifism, Arms Exports, and Japan’s Quest to Be ‘One of the Good Guys’
By James Kaizuka
The Kishida administration’s decision to export advanced fighter jets is part of a long evolution in Japan’s understanding of what it means to be a peaceful nation.

From Follower to Leader: Japan’s Emergence as a Fully-Fledged Regional Security Actor
By Aurelia George Mulgan
Not only has Japan become an indispensable ally for the U.S. in contingency planning, but Tokyo is also no longer relying solely on the United States to deter China.

Japan’s New Security Strategy, Part 1: The Historical Context
By Pascal Lottaz
Since the end of World War II, Japan has been struggling to strike the right balance between pacifism and productive security engagement with the world.

For Kishida and Biden, a Stronger Japanese Defense Posture Is Only Half the Battle
By Craig Kafura
It’s one thing to commit to a stronger military and another thing to use it.

Japan’s Long-Range Strike Capability Decision Was Not Sudden
By Hiroaki Kato
The shift in Japan's security policy was the result of a series of parliamentary debates stretching back decades.

Japan’s Major Turning Point on Defense Policy
By Takahashi Kosuke
Three new security documents prepared by the Kishida administration mark a new era in Japan’s post-war security strategy.

Does the Russia-Ukraine War Herald a New Era for Japan’s Security Policy?
By Craig Kafura
Is the war in Ukraine creating a Japanese Zeitenwende? It might be up to Prime Minister Kishida.

In Memory of ‘Kaifu Diplomacy’ During the Gulf War Turmoil
By Daisuke Akimoto
The late Kaifu Toshiki is regarded as a symbol of Japan’s changing diplomacy in the post-Cold War period.

Japan’s Security Choices in an Uncertain East Asia
By Titli Basu
What kind of Japan will the region have to deal with in the coming decades?

China Faces a Stronger Japan
By Bonnie Girard
With Japan adding 105 more F-35 stealth fighters to its forces, is an arms race in store for the Asia-Pacific?
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