
Indonesia Seeks to Win US and Japanese Investment Fleeing China
By Bob Savic
Jakarta scrambles to capture U.S. and Japanese corporate relocations out of China as geopolitical and coronavirus pandemic concerns intensify

Japan Should Continue to Speak up on the Chinese Government’s Human Rights Abuses
By Teppei Kasai
Taking a tough, meaningful stand against Beijing is not easy, but Tokyo must continue to demonstrate the depth of its commitments to human rights.

Japan’s Challenges Balancing National Security and Economics
By Michio Ueda
National security and economic interests are perhaps more tightly bound together than ever before.

Survey Finds Overwhelming Support for Closing Illegal Wildlife Markets
By Luke Hunt
Reshaping East Asian opinion for a post-coronavirus world.

The Rise of Japan’s Governors: Central-Local Relations During a Pandemic
By Michio Ueda
While Japan’s central government moved slowly to respond to COVID-19, prefectural governors sprung into action. That could have lasting consequences.

What Will Tokyo’s Postponed Olympics Mean for Japanese Politics?
By Kristo Tamm
Shinzo Abe’s legacy is on the line.

China’s Worrying Military Exercises Near Taiwan
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
China’s moves in the region, despite the pandemic, are only likely to generate fear and inspire greater cooperation with Washington.

Tokyo Has No ‘Plan B’ for Another Olympic Postponement
By Associated Press
Organizers are proceeding under the assumption the Olympics will open on July 23, 2021.

Japan’s Leader Slammed Over ‘Stay Home’ Shutdown Tweet
By Associated Press
"An elegant tweet despite a national crisis," blared a headline in the Nikkan Sports tabloid. "Abe the aristocrat!!"

Don’t Get Too Excited, ‘Quad Plus’ Meetings Won’t Cover China
By Derek Grossman
The Quad Plus may actually jeopardize what, in recent years, has become the Quad’s primary mission long-term: signalling unified resolve to counter China’s growing assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific.

Tokyo Olympic Flame Taken Off Display; Next Stop Unclear
By Associated Press
Too keep people from gathering, Japan has taken the flame to an undisclosed location.

Japan’s Prime Minister to Declare State of Emergency as Early as Tuesday
By Associated Press
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that he will declare a state of emergency for Tokyo and six other prefectures, but that there will be no hard lockdowns.