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With His Reelection As LDP President, Shinzo Abe Is Firmly in the Saddle

With His Reelection As LDP President, Shinzo Abe Is Firmly in the Saddle

By Rupakjyoti Borah
With his reelection as LDP president, Shinzo Abe appears to be immovable.
Japan’s Defense Ministry Wants Record Military Budget for 2016

Japan’s Defense Ministry Wants Record Military Budget for 2016

By Franz-Stefan Gady
If approved, the new defense budget would be Tokyo’s largest in 14 years.

What Japan’s Defense White Paper Says About North Korea

What Japan’s Defense White Paper Says About North Korea

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Pyongyang’s ballistic missile program is “profoundly worrisome” to Tokyo.

US Military Base in Japan Rocked by Explosion

US Military Base in Japan Rocked by Explosion

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A warehouse at a U.S. military base went up in flames last night.

Russia and China Kick Off Naval Exercise in Sea of Japan

Russia and China Kick Off Naval Exercise in Sea of Japan

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The military exercise includes an amphibious and airborne landing by Russian and Chinese troops.
Remembering World War II in Asia: Dishonest Visions of History?

Remembering World War II in Asia: Dishonest Visions of History?

By Colin Jones
Cold War divisions, now shorn of their ideological pretensions, have achieved a kind of second life in war memory.

Japan’s Yucca Mountain: Nuclear Reboot Raises Questions on Waste Storage

Japan’s Yucca Mountain: Nuclear Reboot Raises Questions on Waste Storage

By Logan Pettinato
The restart of Sendai 1 is nearly complete, but uncertainty looms over Japan’s disposal strategy for fresh nuclear waste.
Is Japan Becoming a Threat to Peace?

Is Japan Becoming a Threat to Peace?

By Greg Austin
Japan’s entry into the military dimensions of the South China Sea may come to be seen as threat to general peace.

China and Russia to Hold Military Exercise in the Sea of Japan

China and Russia to Hold Military Exercise in the Sea of Japan

By Ankit Panda
China and Russia will hold a naval exercise in the Sea of Japan in late August.

How Russia Tries to Intimidate Japan

How Russia Tries to Intimidate Japan

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Moscow is stepping up its military presence on the disputed Kuril Islands.

Surprise: Japan Sees China as Its Main National Security Threat

Surprise: Japan Sees China as Its Main National Security Threat

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Tokyo’s 2015 defense white paper highlights concerns over Beijing’s maritime ambitions in Asia.

China: Japan Security Legislation a ‘Nightmare Scenario’

By Shannon Tiezzi
Beijing has reacted with predictable breathlessness to the passage of new security legislation in Tokyo.

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