
Japan’s Changing Immigration and Refugee Policy
By Daisuke Akimoto
Tokyo has long been criticized for restrictive immigration policy. Can it change?

Abe Apologizes, But Isn’t Charged for Cherry Blossom Scandal
By Associated Press
Prosecutors investigated whether Abe, his aide and two executives from his political support group had subsidized the party fees in violation of campaign and election funds laws.

Official Costs of Tokyo Olympics Up by 22% to $15.4 billion
By Associated Press
The Olympics are to open on July 23, 2021.

Japanese Companies Fall Victim To Unprecedented Wave of Cyber Attacks
By Thisanka Siripala
The growing invasion of cyberspace from hackers has left Japanese companies scrambling to strengthen cyber security efforts.

Why Did Japan Suspend the ‘Go To Travel’ Campaign?
By Rupakjyoti Borah
After announcing its extension, Tokyo decided to suspend the “Go To Travel” campaign.

Civilian Participation in National Defense as a Part of Japan’s Pacifism
By Fumiko Sasaki
Japanese citizens have a role to play in the defense of the country.

The Real Story of the Destruction of Force Z
By Robert Farley
Even more than Pearl Harbor, the sinking of the two British battleships served to convince political and naval authorities of the pre-eminence of airpower in the Pacific.

Actors Connect in ‘Subconscious’ to Play Young, Old Hokusai
By Associated Press
Yuya Yagira plays younger Hokusai and Min Tanaka portrays the older Hokusai in the closing film of the Tokyo International Film Festival.

Japan Sticks to Nuclear Fuel Recycling Plan Despite Plutonium Stockpile
By Associated Press
Japan now has 45.5 tons of separated plutonium, enough to make about 6,000 atomic bombs.

Is the Quad Bound by Values or Interests?
By Grant Wyeth
Is the Quad really made up of “vibrant and pluralistic democracies with shared values”?

After Abe, Will Press Freedom Improve in Japan?
By Henry Laurence
New Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide is widely seen as a continuity choice. Will he change course on media freedoms?

Japan Seeks to Boost Catch Limits of Prized Bluefin Tuna
By Associated Press
Demand for bluefin tuna is such that any progress in restoring its depleted population draws pressure for bigger catches.