Japanese culture
iPad for Better Sumo?
Japan’s sumo association unofficially endorses Apple’s device. Is it a smart PR move?

Osaka Hotel Art
These days in Japan, there are unique art fairs taking place in the comfort of a… hotel room.

Japan’s Hottest Topic
The summer heat wave has Japanese talking weather and crowding coffee shops.

A Weak Inception Reception?
The hit seems to be lagging in Japan, despite things like Ken Watanabe’s star power.

Japan's Real 'Salarymen'
Some of Japan’s hardest working people are types far from what you’d expect.

The Cove Uncensored
The touchy film’s finally playing in Japan. But does the media actually have an opinion on it?

Big Ticket Tokyo?
Four of Japan’s cities have been named some of the priciest in the world. But is it really true?

Talking iPad in Asia
The iPad in Asia. What does it mean for big business, the printed book and even restaurants?

Her Baseball and Politics
Two Japanese women are attracting big interest. Hopefully it will inspire.

Kenzaburō Ōe
This ‘nonconformist’ writer supports human rights and denounces nuclear weapons.
Yasunari Kawabata
This iconic writer and Asian Nobel Laureate brought ‘beauty’ and ‘Japan’ together.

Hip Hop Japan
In an ode to an industry figure, we ask some questions about Japan’s rap culture.