
Japanese history

Japanese Island Marks 75 Years Since Battle of Okinawa

Japanese Island Marks 75 Years Since Battle of Okinawa

By Associated Press
Japanese residents of Okinawa remembered the legacy of one of World War II’s deadliest battles.

The Politics of Hate and Artistic Expression in Japan

The Politics of Hate and Artistic Expression in Japan

By Jeff Kingston
Organizers of the 2019 Aichi Triennale, a sprawling showcase of contemporary art, got more publicity than they bargained for.
A Profound Development in Japan-South Korea Relations

A Profound Development in Japan-South Korea Relations

By Kan Kimura
A recent ruling has global implications.

Japan and the 150th Anniversary of the Meiji Restoration

Japan and the 150th Anniversary of the Meiji Restoration

By Shin Kawashima
The nation is at a new crossroads.

Interview: Benjamin Elman

Interview: Benjamin Elman

By Emanuel Pastreich
"The 'rise of China' narrative can be read in different ways, and for Japan it is a challenge."

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Interview: Alexis Dudden

Interview: Alexis Dudden

By Emanuel Pastreich
How unprecedented are the tensions in East Asia today?

Explaining Japanese Parochialism

Explaining Japanese Parochialism

By Robert Dujarric
Japanese face enormous obstacles understanding the world scene.
Jet Black and the Ninja Wind: Slice-and-Dice of a Japanese Myth

Jet Black and the Ninja Wind: Slice-and-Dice of a Japanese Myth

By Jonathan DeHart
Ninjutsu, cryptography and ancient history come together in a high-octane adventure. The best part: the hero is a teenage girl.

China’s Changing Position on Japan’s History

China’s Changing Position on Japan’s History

By Zachary Keck
In recent years, China has significantly hardened its stance on Japan acknowledging its imperial past. Why?

Germany Rebukes China’s Anti-Japan PR Campaign

Germany Rebukes China’s Anti-Japan PR Campaign

By Zachary Keck
Berlin strongly rebuffed Beijing’s efforts to use Germany’s wartime past to shame Japan during Xi’s trip to Germany.

'Missing Histories': History Education and China-Japan Relations

'Missing Histories': History Education and China-Japan Relations

By Zheng Wang
Differences in history classrooms reflect the social discourse problems that underline China and Japan's conflict.
On Japan’s History: Clearing the Air – and the Agenda

On Japan’s History: Clearing the Air – and the Agenda

Viewing Japanese policy through the past highlights the dominance history has gained over the diplomatic agenda.

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