Jemaah Islamiyah

Indonesia President Jokowi to Free Radical Cleric Behind Bali Bombings
By Niniek Karmini
Abu Bakar Bashir, the spiritual leader of Jemaah Islamiyah, is due to be released next week.

Jemaah Islamiyah: Still Southeast Asia’s Greatest Terrorist Threat
By Bilveer Singh
JI, which remains a potent force, is benefitting from a narrow focus on Islamic State.

Islamic State Eyes Asia Base in 2016 in Philippines, Indonesia: Expert
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Group looking to declare at least one foothold in the region this year.

Singapore Warns of Islamic State Terror Nexus in Southeast Asia
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Defense minister warns of linking up and formalization of ties between terror groups.

Islamic State on Trial in Indonesia
By Luke Hunt
The Southeast Asian state is intensifying efforts against the threat.

Has a Philippine Militant Group Gone Regional Amid Islamic State Fears?
By Luke Hunt
The Islamic militant group Abu Sayyaf may be spreading its unwanted tentacles.

More Foreigners Kidnapped in Southern Philippines
By Luke Hunt
Law and order continues to be a problem in the country's south.

Who Will Claim Responsibility for the Recent Bangkok Bombing?
By Luke Hunt
Responsibility, where it has been claimed, has at times lagged actual terrorist attacks.

Malaysia Says New Terror Group Trying to Create Islamic State
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The country’s police chief suggests the threat is rising.

Top Southeast Asia Terrorist Likely Killed by Philippines, Says FBI
By Prashanth Parameswaran
DNA evidence appears to confirm the death of one of the region's most wanted terrorists.

ISIS: A Threat Well Beyond the Middle East
By Luke Hunt
The success of militants in Iraq may be inspiring radicals in Southeast Asia.

Flight 370: Malaysia’s Seminal Moment
By Luke Hunt
The saga of the missing airliner has cast serious doubts on the Malaysian bureaucracy.