
The Revival of Rail Infrastructure in the Philippines
By James Guild
The ADB and JICA are currently funding extensive upgrades to the country's railways and urban mass transit systems.

JICA’s VP on TICAD8 and Japan’s Approach to Africa
By Raphael Obonyo
“Now is the time that we, as an international community, must come together to help Africa build back better from COVID-19 as well as the Ukraine crisis.”

Japan’s Approach to Ghana Is a Blueprint for African Development
By Henri Kouam and Sarmad Ishfaq
Japan’s “tech-centric” development strategy provides an alternative option to the assistance China offers.

How Abe Remade the Japan Coast Guard
By Jay Tristan Tarriela
Under Abe, the JCG has evolved into a vehicle for global diplomacy as well as defending Japanese interests.

The US-India-Japan Trilateral: Economic Foundation for a Grand Strategy
By Hemal Shah
What happens when the world’s oldest, largest, and most responsible democracies meet?
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