Joe Hockey

Australia Crawls Toward Growth Record
By Anthony Fensom
After an impressive 24 years of sustained growth, the country faces some serious headwinds.

Australian Treasurer To Consumers: Get Happy
By Anthony Fensom
With its latest budget, the government hopes to avert a post-boom hangover.

Australia: A Boring Budget?
By Helen Clark
The Australian government tries to avoid the controversy that followed last year’s offering.

So Is Australia Cutting Its Aid Budget Again?
By Helen Clark
It appears Australia’s aid budget will remain as it is, or at least no more “slashed” than it already is.

The Australian Government’s Shortsighted View of Foreign Aid
By Michael Sheldrick and Akram Azimi
Another round of cuts suggest Canberra is failing to see the long-term benefits of foreign aid.

Australia Cuts Foreign Aid Again
By Helen Clark
Budget pressures targeting aid commitments that are already low by international standards.

Are the Good Times Over For Australia?
By Anthony Fensom
Growth is slowing, while debt and unemployment are on the rise.

G20 Brisbane: Not Quite Australia’s Coming of Age
By Roxanne Horton
Australia ran a smooth summit, but looked out of touch on climate change.

Australia’s G20 Opportunity
By Kevin Placek
Australia is setting a growth agenda for the upcoming Brisbane G20 Summit. Can it deliver?

An Australia-China FTA in 2014?
By Kevin Placek
The two governments appear to be moving closer to agreement on several key issues.

Australia’s ‘Age of Entitlement’
By Kevin Placek
The government’s fiscal alarmism may backfire in the years to come.

Australia’s Economic Luck: 21 Years and Counting
By Anthony Fensom
Stronger than expected growth figures suggests the economy still has some life in it.
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