
Jonathan Greenert

US May Base Warships in Australia

US May Base Warships in Australia

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Washington is eying ways to expand its military presence there.

How to Reform Naval Education

How to Reform Naval Education

By James R. Holmes
Require entry-level officers to learn what they need to know — while also allowing them to indulge their interests.
Will Malaysia Host US Spy Planes?

Will Malaysia Host US Spy Planes?

By Shannon Tiezzi
Adm. Jonathan Greenert indicated that Malaysia offered to host U.S. spy planes.

US, China Trade Barbs Over Surveillance Flights

US, China Trade Barbs Over Surveillance Flights

By Zachary Keck
The U.S. and China remain at an impasse over America's surveillance flights near China's coasts.

Setting Naval Priorities

Setting Naval Priorities

By James R. Holmes
The Naval Diplomat on the USS Saratoga, China's rogue pilots and setting naval priorities.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

US Navy Chief Visits China

US Navy Chief Visits China

By Ankit Panda
U.S. Navy Adm. Jonathan Greenert is in China to meet with PLAN Commander in Chief Adm. Wu Shengli.

Deterring China = Capability x Resolve x Belief

Deterring China = Capability x Resolve x Belief

By James R. Holmes
The U.S. shouldn't unnecessarily antagonize China but it must underscore its capability and resolve to Beijing.
The Right Way to Educate Navy Officers

The Right Way to Educate Navy Officers

By James R. Holmes
The Naval Diplomat offers a “No Officer Left Behind” solution to the STEM-Humanities debate raging inside the US Navy.

Pacific Power: The Politics of the US Military in SE Asia

Pacific Power: The Politics of the US Military in SE Asia

For the U.S. to sustain its presence in the Asia-Pacific, it will have to take local politics into account.

US Military Protects Nuclear Missions From Sequestration

US Military Protects Nuclear Missions From Sequestration

The US Navy and Air Force have reaffirmed that nuclear delivery systems will be shielded from cuts.

U.S. Chief of Naval Operations: 11 Littoral Combat Ships to Asia by 2022

U.S. Chief of Naval Operations: 11 Littoral Combat Ships to Asia by 2022

The U.S. Navy plans to send 11 LCS to the Pacific. Questions remain.

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