Karakoram Highway

Pakistani Taliban Denies Attack on Karakoram Highway
By Umair Jamal
But Pakistan is skeptical. It believes the TTP is using allied groups to carry out attacks to avoid drawing Chinese ire to itself.

Pakistan's Army Seeks Greater Authority Over China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Administration
By Ankit Panda
Meanwhile, Pakistani government officials suggest that Chinese bureaucracy is slowing down CPEC implementation.

Tajik Leader in China, Building Roads
By Catherine Putz
Dushanbe needs Chinese investment to fix its deteriorating highway system.

Pakistan and Kazakhstan Look to Increase Cooperation
By Ankit Panda
The leaders of Pakistan and Kazakhstan want their countries to trade and cooperate more.

Pakistan and China: A Precarious Friendship?
By Alessandro Rippa
In contrast to the public posturing, the relationship on the ground is more complex and multilayered.

Why China's Terrorists are Targeting Train Stations
By Zachary Keck
The decision by Uighur separatists to target Chinese rail stations is both symbolic and strategic

From Uyghurs to Kashgari
By Alessandro Rippa
A Pakistani community finds itself caught between two worlds.
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