Kashmir issue

Pakistan’s Kashmir Policy Post-Article 370
By Majid Alam
Imran Khan seemed content to sideline the Kashmir issue until India’s power move forced his hand.

Is the Washington Consensus on US-India Relations Fraying?
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Recent developments have raised questions about the future of bipartisan support for U.S.-India relations.

Touqir Hussain on Pakistan Foreign Policy Under Imran Khan
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The Diplomat talks with Touqir Hussain on Imran Khan and his handling of Pakistan's foreign policy thus far.

What Does Trump’s Kashmir Storm Mean for US-India Relations?
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
While the controversy risked being added to the list of issues both sides are having, thus far the fallout has been managed relatively well.

Would New India-Pakistan Talks Really Matter?
By Touqir Hussain
Even if dialogue resumes, it is doubtful if it will achieve anything short of synchronized progress on a number of areas.

Are India-Pakistan Relations Doomed?
By Touqir Hussain
The stubborn realities in the bilateral relationship show few signs of changing anytime soon.

Pakistan Needs a New Security Paradigm
By Touqir Hussain and Ishrat Saleem
It's time for Islamabad to think bigger.
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