Kazakhstan gas exports

Trans-Caspian Route: Kazakhstan’s Gateway to Europe
By Rahimbek Abdrahmanov and Kamshat Zhumagulova
For Kazakhstan, in particular, the development of the Middle Corridor offers broader access to global markets.

Kazakhstan’s Druzhba Prospects: Central Asian Oil to Supply Europe?
By Mikhail Strokan
As the EU seeks to substitute Russian energy resources, Kazakhstan sees an opportunity.

Central Asia Gassing Up China
By Catherine Putz
Kazakhstan looks to increase its natural gas exports to China, and Turkmenistan may be gaining an old customer back.

Settling the Caspian Issue and Realizing the Trans-Caspian Energy Corridor
By Fabio Indeo
Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan’s aims to diversify their energy export markets got a boost recently.

China's Imports of Turkmen Gas Decline
By Catherine Putz
Turkmen gas exports to China fell from October to November, with sources indicating Ashgabat isn't pumping promised volumes.
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