Kazakhstan women's rights

Live-streamed Murder Trial Reopens Discussion on Domestic Violence in Kazakhstan
By Mia Tarp Nurmagambetova
No matter what the verdict against Bishimbayev turns out to be, change in relation to domestic violence in Kazakhstan is long overdue.

Why Do Central Asian Governments Keep Failing the Region’s Women?
By Catherine Putz
Women in Central Asia “feel unsafe everywhere,” says Svetlana Dzardanova, with recent horrific attacks drawing attention again to a very old problem.

International Women’s Day: Flowers or ‘the Language of Force’ for Women in Central Asia?
By Mia Tarp Nurmagambetova
Central Asian governments must do more to provide a robust response to domestic violence, equal protection to survivors of abuse, and protect women’s rights both in policy and practice.

Women’s Rights in Asia
In the years after #MeToo and COVID-19, is the situation for women in Asia getting better or worse?
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