Kilo-class submarine

Kilo Impact in the Bay of Bengal
By Mohammad Rubaiyat Rahman
India is readying a submarine for Myanmar, but New Delhi won't replace Beijing as a top defense supplier.

Will Indonesia Buy Submarines From France?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
An Indonesian shipbuilder has formed a formal working group with a French company.

Vietnam’s Quest for a Greenwater Navy
By Collin Koh
Despite the recent headlines, Vietnam still has a lot of ground to cover to establish a revitalized and balanced navy.

China’s Nuclear Submarine Distraction
By Robert Potter
Appearing to be powerful can sometimes distract from building the capability that generates power.

Submarines in Southeast Asia: Proliferation, Not a Race
By Koh Swee Lean Collin
ASEAN countries are looking to bolster their submarine fleets, but this is not an arms race.

Lessons from the Battle of the Paracel Islands
By Ngo Minh Tri and Koh Swee Lean Collin
Forty years on, the battle has enduring lessons for Vietnam’s naval modernization.

Philippine Navy Adds to Regional Arms Build-Up
By Luke Hunt
ASEAN navies expand in response to China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea.

Vietnam To Receive Advanced Russian Sub in 2013
The Kilo-class submarine, dubbed the “black hole” by the U.S. Navy, will soon be joining Vietnam’s armed forces.

Vietnam’s Undersea Anti-Access Fleet
The logic of access denial could work for Hanoi—and against stability in Southeast Asia.
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