
Opponents of Cross-Strait Trade Pact Occupy Taiwan’s Legislature
By Shannon Tiezzi

Why Spy on Taiwan When Taiwan Gives Information Away for Free?
By J. Michael Cole

Taiwanese Intelligence Accused of Meddling in Hong Kong
By J. Michael Cole

Why China's Air Defense Identification Zone Is Terrible For Cross-Strait Relations
China’s new ADIZ in the East China Sea jeopardizes the possibility of unification with Taiwan.

The KMT Soldiers Who Stayed Behind In China
The CCP has decided to recognize the Nationalist soldiers who didn’t flee to Taiwan.

Mixed Messages From China on Taiwan
A new promotional defense video showed a Chinese missile destroying Taiwanese jets.

Is China's Communist Party Doomed?
Could Beijing’s ruling elite succumb to the same fate as those in the former Soviet Union? Perhaps.

Can Hu 'Do Something Big' on Taiwan?
China seeks reunification with Taiwan. But Beijing is likely to disappointed, argues Parris Chang.

Taiwan and the Mob
Gangsters and politicians have a long and complicated relationship in Taiwan, Cain Nunns reports from Taipei. Indeed, sometimes they’ve been the same thing.

Is Cross-Strait Honeymoon Over?
The leaderships in Taiwan and mainland China must be careful about raising expectations for engagement.

Taiwan’s Imperfect Democracy
Taiwan’s recent elections were mostly free, but not completely fair. There were built-in advantages for the KMT.

Backdoor Reunification?
Will a planned business regulation change in China accelerate the process of cross-strait unification?