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Has North Korea Finally Miniaturized a Nuclear Device?
By Ankit Panda
For the first time, North Korea has released images purporting to show a miniaturized, ICBM-ready nuclear device.

What the Pentagon Thinks About North Korea
By Ankit Panda
The Pentagon's 2015 report to Congress on North Korea offers insight into the country's military progress.

Satellites, Warheads, and Rockets: Is North Korea’s Space Program Really About Missile Development?
By 38 North / John Schilling
Observers tend to assume North Korea's satellite launch vehicles are ICBMs in disguise. The truth is more complicated.

North Korea: The Other Anti-Access Threat?
By Van Jackson
It's time to apply anti-access thinking beyond China -- or risk losing a limited conflict to North Korea.

US Officials Believe North Korea Has SLBMs, Miniaturized Nuclear Devices
By Ankit Panda
Plus, Japan and Australia plan to buy Ospreys, China picks a new diplomat for Pyongyang, and more. Security links.

Why North Korea Won't Have Its ICBM Anytime Soon
By 38 North / John Schilling
Evidence indicates North Korea is actively developing a true ICBM. But when will it be ready?

What’s the Status of North Korea’s ICBM?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The truth is we know very little, but North Korea's ICBM is still not operational.

Aegis, Missile Defense and the US Pivot
By Robert Holzer & Scott Truver
The U.S. Navy’s Aegis Weapon System is the lynchpin for regional missile defense in Asia.

North Korea’s Daily Double
A day before its 3rd nuclear test the DPRK allegedly tested engines for its missile program.
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