Kuril Islands dispute

What Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Portends for Japan’s Northern Territories
By Aurelia George Mulgan
Tokyo appears to have finally realized that Putin has no intention of ever handing any of the disputed islands back to Japanese control.

Could Russia and Japan Finally Find Peace in the Pacific?
By Gabriel Gavin
The Kuril Islands dispute has kept Japan and Russia from ever formally ending the hostilities between them during World War II.

Japan’s Diplomatic Policy Outline Reveals Shifts on North Korea, Russia
By Daniel Hurst
Tokyo appears to be giving itself more room to negotiate on longstanding issues.

The Details of Abe’s Proposed Peace Treaty With Russia
By James D. J. Brown
What would such a peace agreement include and can it be delivered?

Jonathan B. Miller on Japan’s Foreign and Defense Policies Under Shinzo Abe
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Diplomat speaks with Jonathan B. Miller on the future direction of Japan's foreign and defense policies.

Russia Toughens Stance in Island Dispute with Japan
By Vladimir Isachenkov
Russia and Japan agree on the need to improve ties, but major differences remain.

Russia Is Building Military Barracks on Disputed Kuril Islands
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Japan has officially logged protest with Russia over the construction of military barracks on the disputed island chain.

Putin Surprises Abe With Offer of Japan-Russia Peace Treaty
By Daniel Hurst
Accepting Putin's offer would go against long-standing Japanese position on the territorial dispute.

Putin Offers Japan ‘Peace Treaty Without Any Pre-Conditions’
By Franz-Stefan Gady
By suggesting a peace treaty, Putin effectively urged Japan to give up its claims on the disputed Kuril Islands.

Japan Asks Russia to Reduce Militarization of Disputed Kuril Islands
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Japan wants Russia to scale down its military presence on the disputed island chain.

Abe's Russia Trip Comes to an Underwhelming End
By Daniel Hurst
Japan's prime minister may finally have to give up hope of making progress on a long-standing territorial dispute.

A New Cold War With Russia Forces Japan to Choose Sides
By James D. J. Brown
How long can Japan keep up its balancing act between Russia and the West?
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