Kuril Islands

Making Sense of Japan’s Approach to Russia
By Michito Tsuruoka
A diplomatic breakthrough is unlikely, but there is value in talking.

Legacy Comes First in Abe’s Foreign Policy
By James D. J. Brown
Abe’s hasty pursuit of a legacy makes Japanese foreign policy look unprincipled and weak.

Russia and Japan: No Closer to a Kuril Islands Breakthrough
By Ankit Panda
Abe and Putin’s latest meeting brings the two sides no closer to a breakthrough.

Russia Is Building Military Barracks on Disputed Kuril Islands
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Japan has officially logged protest with Russia over the construction of military barracks on the disputed island chain.

Putin Offers Japan ‘Peace Treaty Without Any Pre-Conditions’
By Franz-Stefan Gady
By suggesting a peace treaty, Putin effectively urged Japan to give up its claims on the disputed Kuril Islands.

Japan Asks Russia to Reduce Militarization of Disputed Kuril Islands
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Japan wants Russia to scale down its military presence on the disputed island chain.

The Third Annual Eastern Economic Forum and the Japan-Russia Summit
By John Taishu Pitt
Why Japan and Russia won't reach an agreement on the Northern Territories dispute.

Putin: Russian Force Buildup in Kuril Islands a Response to US Military Actions
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Furthermore, the Russian president does not rule out a U.S. troop presence on the disputed islands if controlled by Japan.

Is Russia’s Military Deploying 10,000 Additional Troops on the Kuril Islands?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Russia’s defense minister intends to station a new Russian army division on the disputed Kuril Islands in 2017.

What Will a Kuril Islands Deal Between Russia and Japan Take?
By Ankit Panda
Japan looks to incentivize Russian interest in a deal over the Kurils by laying out several economic initiatives.

Next US President's Asia-Pacific Inbox: 8 Issues to Watch in Obama's Final 100 Days
By Ankit Panda
As Obama enters his last hundred days in office, Asia remains in flux.

Why Russia and Japan Can’t Solve the Kuril Islands Dispute
By Sarah Lohschelder
The deadlock is rooted in the entrenched positions of both sides.
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