Kurmanbek Bakiyev

Kyrgyzstan and Belarus: Congratulations and Notes of Protest
By Catherine Putz
One day, a note of congrats for Lukashenko; the next a note of protest because Lukashenko appeared with a wanted former Kyrgyz prime minister.

Kyrgyzstan's Constitutional Changes and Atambayev's Self-Preservation
By Catherine Putz
The presidential elections later this year will be a major test for Kyrgyzstan's democracy and Atambayev's intentions.

Who Are Central Asia's Exiles?
By Catherine Putz
A new database pools information about political exiles pursued across borders by the states of Central Asia

Revisiting Kyrgyzstan’s Bloody Summer
By Michael Caster
Ethnicity is a convenient but misleading way of explaining the outburst of violence in 2010.

Kyrgyzstan: The Next Ukraine?
By Baktybek Beshimov and Ryskeldi Satke
The government has made little progress in bridging divisions, especially with its troubled South.
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