Kyrgyzstan referendum

Nations in Transit: Central Asia Remains Locked in Consolidated Authoritarianism
By Catherine Putz
Another bad year for democracy across the former Soviet Union, with Kyrgyzstan slipping further into authoritarianism too.

Low Turnout for a Strong President: Kyrgyzstan Approves New Constitution
By Catherine Putz
The indifference of many and the votes of some have ushered in Kyrgyzstan’s next political phase: a return to strong presidentialism.

Concerns Swirl Around Kyrgyzstan’s Draft Constitution: Presidential Power, Judicial Independence, and Civil Society
By Catherine Putz
In a joint legal opinion, the OSCE and Venice Commission raise serious concerns about Kyrgyzstan's draft constitution, up for a vote on April 11.

Kyrgyzstan Expected to Greenlight Controversial Constitutional Referendum
By Catherine Putz
The referendum, the second this year, is likely to be set for April 11.

Lack of Transparency Marks Kyrgyzstan’s Constitutional Reform Quest
By Colleen Wood
Kyrgyzstan’s new president wants to open a “new page in history” with constitutional reform, but what exactly will it look like?
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