Lada Class

Russia’s Latest Diesel-Electric Attack Sub to Commence Sea Trials in 2019
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Russian Navy’s second Lada-class diesel-electric attack sub will undergo a series of trials in 2019.

Russia Launches New Diesel-Electric Attack Submarine
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Russian Navy’s second Lada-class diesel electric attack submarine was launched in St. Petersburg on September 20.

Russia’s ‘Mini Red October’ Subs Will Lack Advanced Propulsion System
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Russia’s super quiet new class of diesel-electric attack subs will lack air-independent propulsion systems.

'Mini Red Octobers:'Russia to Push on With Stealth Submarine Program
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Despite some media reports to the contrary, the Russian Navy will continue building Lada-class subs.

Russia May Sell China New Advanced Submarines
By Zachary Keck
Russia has announced it will build a new fifth generation, Kalina-class submarine. Will Moscow sell them to China?

China Purchasing Russian Jets and Subs?
Reports recently suggested China was set to purchase fighter jets and subs from Russia. Is the deal dead?
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