

The Future of LNG in Vietnam After COP26

The Future of LNG in Vietnam After COP26

By Quynh Tran
Liquid natural gas could help Vietnam wean itself off coal while satisfying its growing demand for electricity.

Why Indonesia Should Abandon its Natural Gas Pricing Regulation

Why Indonesia Should Abandon its Natural Gas Pricing Regulation

By Massita Ayu Cindy and Inka B. Yusgiantoro
The costs required to keep domestic natural gas prices low could outweigh the long-term benefits.
How Green Is South Korea’s Green New Deal?

How Green Is South Korea’s Green New Deal?

By Sam Macdonald
Like many of Seoul’s previous environmental plans, corporate interests seem to be overshadowing those of the environment.

How US-Iran Tensions Could Upset American Interests in Northeast Asia

How US-Iran Tensions Could Upset American Interests in Northeast Asia

By Francesco Sassi
U.S.-Iran tensions could backfire on U.S. interests in Northeast Asia, thanks to the rising importance of LNG in the region’s energy mix.

Squabbling Energy Oligarchs Threaten Moscow’s LNG Plans

Squabbling Energy Oligarchs Threaten Moscow’s LNG Plans

By Quentin Buckholz
Russia is at risk of missing out on Asia’s giant gas market.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Why Japan Will Drive Global LNG Growth

Why Japan Will Drive Global LNG Growth

By Clint Richards
There is little reason to expect Japan’s reactors will offset its voracious new appetite for LNG.

The Summer of Japan’s Energy Discontent

The Summer of Japan’s Energy Discontent

By Clint Richards
With another energy-saving campaign this summer, Japanese utilities may look for profits abroad.
China Increases Purchases of LNG on Spot Market

China Increases Purchases of LNG on Spot Market

By Nick Cunningham
Responding to a growing pollution crisis, China is becoming a bigger player in the LNG market.

China’s Energy Rebalancing: A New Gazpolitik?

China’s Energy Rebalancing: A New Gazpolitik?

China’s energy rebalancing may be as important and difficult as its economic equivalent.

Singapore Emerges as LNG Trading Hub

Singapore Emerges as LNG Trading Hub

An ambitious yet feasible program could have profound implications for the LNG market.

Qatar and ASEAN: Opposites Attract?

Qatar and ASEAN: Opposites Attract?

Qatar-ASEAN ties are growing based on complementary strengths in areas like energy and agriculture.

The Mining Boom Is Dead: Long Live King Gas

The Mining Boom Is Dead: Long Live King Gas

With the mining boom declared over, Australia turns to LNG. But is the local industry competitive enough?

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