

Are Pro-LTTE Elements Trying to Revive the Eelam Movement?

Are Pro-LTTE Elements Trying to Revive the Eelam Movement?

By Rathindra Kuruwita
A deep-fake video of a woman identifying as Tiger Chief Velupillai Prabhakaran’s daughter went viral recently.

Sri Lanka’s National Security Fearmongers

Sri Lanka’s National Security Fearmongers

By Taylor Dibbert
Predictable platitudes follow the discovery of a recent arms cache.
Sri Lanka to Hold Early Presidential Elections

Sri Lanka to Hold Early Presidential Elections

By Ankit Panda
Sri Lanka's President Mahinda Rajapaksa will seek a third term in office, despite constitutional ambiguities.

India's CHOGM 2013 Strategic Blunder

India's CHOGM 2013 Strategic Blunder

Singh’s decision not to go is injurious to India’s national interest.

Democracy at Last for Sri Lanka’s Northern Province?

Democracy at Last for Sri Lanka’s Northern Province?

The elections in Sri Lanka’s north suggest that democracy is slowly taking root on the island.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

India and Sri Lanka's Civil War

India and Sri Lanka's Civil War

India’s relationship with Sri Lanka is complex. Nonetheless, New Delhi could have a role to play in uncovering a difficult past.

Sri Lanka: War is Over but Tensions Run High

Sri Lanka: War is Over but Tensions Run High

By Sudha Ramachandran
Three years after the Tamil Tiger's defeat, the underlying issues that caused Sri Lanka's civil war are once again coming to a head.
Sri Lanka's Fragile Gains In The Balance

Sri Lanka's Fragile Gains In The Balance

Much progress has been made since the end of its civil war but ethnic tensions remain.

Sri Lanka’s Muslims Under Siege?

Sri Lanka’s Muslims Under Siege?

The end of the civil war brought hopes that the country could become united. But attacks by radical Buddhists suggest Sri Lanka faces a new challenge to internal harmony.

Ethnic Triumphalism?

Ethnic Triumphalism?

Relief among the Sinhala community since the Sri Lankan civil war ended is understandable. Triumphalism isn’t.

'Sri Lanka's Killing Fields'

'Sri Lanka's Killing Fields'

The Diplomat speaks with Callum Macrae, director of ‘Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields,’ about his documentary film and the controversy surrounding it.

EU Pushing Sri Lanka Toward China

EU Pushing Sri Lanka Toward China

Western pressure on Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa over the defeat of the Tamil Tigers risks creating another Burma.

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