Malaysia corruption

Mahathir Sets New Course for Malaysia in First 100 Days
By Ed Ratcliffe
Evaluating Malaysia's new government 100 days after its surprising election win.

Malaysia Counts the Costs of Its 1MDB Scandal
By Luke Hunt
The new government's pursuit of justice is just beginning.

How China Lost Sight of Malaysia’s Changes
By Peter T C Chang
China’s ethical missteps in Malaysia offer lessons for the Belt and Road.

Malaysia’s Election: A Surprise Win For Reform
By Anthony Fensom
Putting aside the political fall-out, the economic implications could be huge.

Reform the Loser in Malaysia's Coming Elections
By Anthony Fensom
If Prime Minister Najib Razak is re-elected, he's not expected to undertake much-needed economic reforms.

Can the New Mahathir-Anwar Alliance Defeat Najib in Malaysia’s Election?
By Luke Hunt
The country’s next poll will pit an odd couple against a scandal-ridden premier.

Najib’s Window Dressing Can't Hide Malaysia's Woes
By Luke Hunt
The embattled premier’s cosmetic measures cannot conceal economic realities in the country.

Malaysia Silences 1MDB Whistleblower in Blow to Rights
By Luke Hunt
The sentencing of an opposition politician is just the latest attempt to cover up a deepening 1MDB scandal.

US Lawsuits Deepen Malaysia's 1MDB Scandal
By Luke Hunt
Malaysian premier Najib Razak is believed to be linked to the stolen funds.

Lessons From Obama’s Southeast Asia Trip
By Joshua Kurlantzick
The president’s visit to Malaysia and the Philippines offered several lessons about U.S. relations with Southeast Asia.

Going Rogue: Malaysia and the 1MDB Scandal
By Danny Quah
Democracy and rule of law won’t magically clear society of cronies and corruption.

Mahathir Versus Najib
By Mong Palatino
Malaysia’s former prime minister is distinctly unhappy with the incumbent.