Malaysia election

Political Instability Reigns Supreme in Malaysia
By James Chin
Despite Anwar Ibrahim’s ultimate victory at the head of a progressive, multi-ethnic coalition, the space for more pluralistic politics in Malaysia is closing.

What Lies Ahead for Malaysia’s Pakatan Harapan Government After a Big Election Loss?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The loss in the Tanjung Piai by-election is less important than how the government responds to this wake-up call.

What Does Malaysia’s Earthquake Election Mean for Democracy in Southeast Asia?
By Luke Hunt
The outcome was a rare positive note for the subregion where democracy has been suffering over the past few years.

What Does Malaysia’s Shock Election Result Mean For its Future?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The end of a historic election also marks the start of a period of uncertainty for the country.

Malaysia’s Election Will Test the Country’s Stability
By Zachary Abuza
The prolonging of the current government risks undermining the nation’s political stability.

The 'Foreign Interference' Blame Game in Malaysia’s Upcoming Election
By Erin Cook
Accusations are being leveled by both sides as the campaign rhetoric heats up.

How Will PAS Matter in Malaysia’s Election?
By David Hutt
The conservative Islamic party could play an important role in upcoming polls or thereafter.

Malaysia's General Election: The Battleground States
By Karl C.L. Lee and S.K. Chia
The new general election will feature a localization of electoral politics unseen in Malaysian political history.

The Unsinkable Najib Razak
By Luke Hunt
Even as 1MDB and other scandals claim further scalps, Malaysia's prime minister is expected to win the next election.

Malaysia’s Helpless Liberals
By Shaun Tan
The opposition response to scandals and growing repression has been weak.

The Pivot and Democratic Regression in Southeast Asia
By Joshua Kurlantzick
Could the U.S. pivot to Asia have encouraged authoritarianism in the region?

Interview: Anwar Ibrahim
By Jarni Blakkarly
The Malaysian opposition leader talks about his impending return to jail, political oppression and Obama's visit.
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