Malaysia Philippines Sabah dispute

South China Sea Tensions Haunted by European Colonialism
By Saman Rizwan
The legal case brought by Sulu Sultanate heirs against Malaysia highlights the unexpected links between present day tensions and European colonialism in Southeast Asia.

Sovereignty, Forum Shopping, and the Case of the Sulu Sultanate’s Heirs
By Karisma Putera Abd Rahman and Fikry A. Rahman
A French court's recent extortionate $15 billion commercial arbitration ruling against the Malaysian government has set a dangerous precedent.

Philippine Senator Tackles Long-Standing Sabah Claim
By Mong Palatino
A recent French court ruling has pushed the territorial dispute back onto the country's political agenda.

Philippines Remains Aloof From French Court’s Sulu Ruling
By Sebastian Strangio
The ruling in favor of the heirs of the Sulu Sultanate has reopened the question of Manila's longstanding claim over the Malaysian state of Sabah.

Sulu Heirs’ Seizure of Petronas Assets Another Headache for Malaysia
By Imran Said
An audacious legal claim by the heirs of a long-vanished sultanate has awakened a dormant dispute over the Malaysian state of Sabah.

Eastern Sabah: Malaysia’s Frontline Against Militancy
By Michael Hart
A bolstered security architecture in Sabah and its surrounding waters is having an impact.

Malaysia’s Najib Vows to Defend Sabah Sovereignty in Duterte Meeting
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Premier reiterates firm stance on the issue.

Confronting Threats in the Sulu-Sulawesi Seas: Opportunities and Challenges
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Tackling the manifold problems in the tri-border area will require some heavy lifting by concerned states.
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