May Fourth Movement

The ROC Era and the Making of Modern China
By Shannon Tiezzi
Author and professor Xavier Paules on this often overlooked period of Chinese history.

The May Fourth Movement in Xi Jinping’s China
By Eerishika Pankaj
Why does the Chinese Communist Party leader make a point of celebrating China’s most famous protest movement?

Xi Repeatedly Urges China’s Youth to Follow the CCP
By Charlotte Gao
At a commemoration of the 1919 May Fourth Movement, Xi says China's young should be grateful to the Communist Party.

May 4, 1919: The Making of Modern China
By Sebastian Veg
100 years later, modern China’s foundational moment has taken on many meanings.

Liu Yadong, Mr. Science, and China’s Shaky Modernity
By Trym Aleksander Eiterjord
The editor of a state-affiliated magazine laments the lack of “scientific spirit” in Chinese society.

The South China Sea Case and China's New Nationalism
By Luo Xi
Putting Chinese nationalism in historical context.

The Legacy of China's May Fourth Movement
By Ankit Panda
China has better things to remember on May 4 than "Star Wars" day.

Celebrating the 95th Anniversary of the Chinese Dream
By Shannon Tiezzi
Xi Jinping embraces China's May Fourth Movement of 1919 as a precursor to his own "Chinese dream."
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