Middle power

With the US in Retreat, a Chance for Australia to Lead
By Grant Wyeth
In a world where the great powers are disinterested in trust and responsibility, there’s a lot now on the table for middle powers like Australia to pursue.

Should Vietnam Embrace Middle Power Status?
By Huynh Tam Sang
What does it mean to be a middle power? And is Vietnam one already?

Australia, MIKTA and the Middle Power Question
By Helen Clark
A seemingly semantic debate is revealing of Australia’s international ambitions and its place in the world.

Seoul’s Middle-Power Turn in Samarkand?
By Jeffrey Robertson
Park Geun-hye’s recent trip to Central Asia was a great deal more than it seemed.

Interservice Harmony and Australia’s Near Abroad
Canberra’s middle status simplifies life for Australia’s military in many ways. The US should take note.

Middlepowerism & Continuity in South Korean Foreign Policy
The way Seoul defines its middle-power status could offer the best insight into its policy direction.
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