military technology

Military-Civil Fusion: China, the US, and Beyond
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Yoram Evron.

A Networked, High-Tech Alliance Makes an Attractive Target for Cyberattacks
By Eunwoo Lee
Increasing integration of technology and information among allies highlights the importance of cybersecurity – and fixing fundamental flaws.

Alfred Nobel, Technology, and the End of War
By Jacob Parakilas
The namesake of the famous prize believed that more destructive weapons would make war unthinkable. Few people believe that anymore – but we have new delusions to contend with.

Donald Rumsfeld, Technical Innovation, and the Scarcity Mindset
By Jacob Parakilas
A more expensive weapon is not necessarily a more useful weapon; and a more useful weapon is not necessarily the decisive factor in a conflict.

Is There Anything New Under the Technological Sun?
By Jacob Parakilas
Even categories of military technology that seem novel, like UAVs, are actually refinements of previous forms, rather than a wholly new innovation.

Is China Pulling Off Its Own ’Offset’ Strategy?
By Robert Farley
If China has an offset strategy of its own, what’s it about?

China’s Rise and Modern Military Technology: Part II
By Andrea Gilli and Mauro Gilli
The US is still unrivaled in stealth technology. Will China ever be able to catch up?

China’s Rise and Modern Military Technology: Part I
By Andrea Gilli and Mauro Gilli
What are the proper historical analogies to use when analyzing China's military-technological rise in recent decades?

Is China’s Path to Military Parity With the US Through Intellectual Property Theft Doomed?
By Robert Farley
A new article turns conventional wisdom on competitive military modernization on its head.

Andrea and Mauro Gilli on Why China Can't Steal Its Way to Military-Technological Superiority
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Why industrial espionage and reverse engineering military technology will yield less and less benefits in the 21st century.

The Uncertain Future of Warfare
By Leopold Schmertzing
Some of the main uncertainties pertaining to warfare for the next decade.

Digging Into China's 'Tactical' Hypersonic Boost-Glide Vehicle Program
By Raymond Wang
A new document provides the first primary source evidence of a Chinese hypersonic boost-glide vehicle program.
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